Saturday 25 October 2014

New writing times

I will now be updating 1-3 times a month. This is because I am very busy and I don't have much spare rime anymore. So yes, There will not be that many posts on anymore.

Wednesday 14 May 2014

Helping Nature

Nature is fading,fast. What can we do to help it? Read on to find out...

1. We can leave food and nesting materials out.
2. We can grow more plants.
3. We can make nature houses (bug house)

There are more ideas, can you come up with any?

Thursday 1 May 2014

My Picture

This is the picture I am going to enter in the WildPix competition! This was my fist attempt, but my best :-)

Challenge 2

My second challenge is to get 12 comments on this blog. This is so I can tell that my blog is really good! It's not just for me but for everyone on it :-). So leave some comments on any of my posts!

Wednesday 30 April 2014

WildPix competition

This year I decided to enter one of the RSPB competitions. It is called WildPix and it is a photography competition! I took a photo of a bee while I was at a road/fell race. It hasn't been entered yet but will be soon

Tuesday 22 April 2014

Garden Adventure 1

As well as completing challenge 1 I had an extra adventure during the challenge! I actually got to go face to face with a blackbird! Although I didn't get a picture I did have a good time going out into my garden and watching birds come and enjoy themselves :-)

Sunday 20 April 2014

How to make 1

To make a bug house

1. find some things to use

2.arrange them

3.wait a while

4.go check it

Now you have a bug house! Check it daily to see what has come

Bug house

Today I was outside and I got a bit bored. I found some stones and feathers and decided to make a bug house . It has dandelions, leaves, stones, acorn shells (as cups) bark and feathers. It should at least bring ladybirds because I read it in my nature guide.

Saturday 19 April 2014

Magpie Nest

A couple of weeks ago, we got magpies coming to nest. They made their nest in the tree at the end of our garden! The mother and father have been seen ( by me) together. The nest is hidden by the branches, but I can just see it from the upstairs windows that I can see the tree from.

My nature spotting kit

When I go nature spotting I take some kit with me. The most used things are my iPod, binoculars and a nature spotting guide. So with this kit I am prepared to watch nature then I can post it on this blog!

1st Challenge

My 1st challenge is to spot 10 species of birds in 2 days! Do you think I can do it? Leave a comment and tell me if you think I can :-)

My poem

The birds are flapping their wings so,
As I watch the flowers grow,
Spring is here I can feel it, 
Oh, look there's a blue tit,
There is blossom on that tree,
And on that flower is a bumblebee,
As I look from side to side,
I really have to decide,
Is spring here,
Or is it near?


As you may guess, this blog is about nature. It is jam-packed with exciting news about everything that happens during my blogging time! There are challenges that I will complete and hopefully I'll get some photos uploaded:-) So, who wants to have some nature fun? Everyone should be ready! So, Nature time:-)